Failure of Prison Rape Elimination Act

PREA Delay Pulling the Teeth from the Prison Rape Elimination Act Delay, defy, defang When the United Nations Committee Against Torture appraised America’s justice system in 2006, it had special praise for the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), a 2003 law that called for “zero-tolerance” toward sexual abuse in detention facilities and established a set… Continue reading Failure of Prison Rape Elimination Act

Texas Rape

Stop Prisoner Rape Welcomes Passage of Texas Prisoner Rape Legislation LOS ANGELES, MAY 22, 2007 ? The Texas legislature passed a bill yesterday addressing one of the state?s most neglected human rights violations ? prisoner rape. Senate Bill 1175 (SB 1175) establishes critically-needed external oversight of Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) facilities by creating… Continue reading Texas Rape

Prison Rape of Children

Url: Archived: 15:52:08 Aug 20, 2009 Part III: Special Populations Part II: Responding to Victims and Perpetrators Part I: Understanding and Preventing Sexual Abuse Report Special Populations DOWNLOAD E-MAIL Chapter 7 When Children Are Involved FINDING: Juveniles in confinement are much more likely than incarcerated adults to be sexually abused, and they are particularly… Continue reading Prison Rape of Children

Rape Predator

Dear Legislators of The United States of American and My Home State: “WE THE PEOPLE” are demanding instant resolve of Government paid RAPE PREDATORS “guards” and prison staff empolyees who are sponsored and funded by the American Citizens’ Tax Dollars unwillingly. “WE THE PEOPLE” are demanding the highest level of punishment of prison time of… Continue reading Rape Predator


Prison Rape This is a subject which may upset some people, so I apologise now for what you are about to read. The information as been supplied by the prisoners themselves, I have decided to withold their names to protect them. The inmates would like this information to be seen by people on the outside.… Continue reading arizonaprisonrapestory.htm


Jailhouse Rape Inmate’s suit accuses deputy of rape By Denny Walsh – dwalsh@sacbee. com Last Updated 3:19 pm PDT Wed July 2 A 39-year-old woman who claims that while an inmate at the Sacramento County main jail she was repeatedly raped by a female sheriff’s deputy, has sued the county and five individuals, alleging violations… Continue reading forcedinmatesex.html


Time to End Prison Rape is NOW The Time to End Prison Rape is NOW Pat Nolan Topics: Inside Out – September 2010. Prison Fellowship Ending prison rape is a cause that recently brought together an unlikely group of organizations. Normally opposed to one another, leaders from both the left and right joined together to… Continue reading endprisonrape.html