Category: Substance Abuse
Alcohol, Drugs, RX Med abuse
Notice Inmates Drug-testing Positive At Units
December 28, 2004 URGENT NOTICE! Numerous Inmates are being Drug Tested and the reports are coming back positive. Representative Terri Hodge is writing a letter concerning this matter because she has received so many letters and calls from Inmates and Parents. Please contact her office if you are aware of a problem due to Drug… Continue reading Notice Inmates Drug-testing Positive At Units
TDCJ Health Manual
TDCJ Health Manual TDCJ HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION POLICY MANUAL Effective Date: 10/95, Revised: 08/03, Replaces: 7-1B, Formulated: 06/92, Number: H-61.1 CONFIDENTIALITY AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION PURPOSE: To provide guidelines that insure offender health information receives appropriate confidential safeguards. POLICY: I. In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any individually identifiable health… Continue reading TDCJ Health Manual
DRUG WAR Video Nov-L: Kevin Booth on America’s Drug War Nora Callahan wrote: WATCH CLICK LINK ABOVE TO WATCH FILM CLIP Slavery (n) ? bondage (the state of being under the control of another person) ? work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay ? the institution of owning human beings as property,… Continue reading drugwarvideo.html
Stop Drug War
STOP the Drug War Group of world leaders call for end to criminal drug war and urges experiment with legalization/ ThAs detailed in this AP report, a prominent group of prominent international leaders “urged a global overhaul of drug policies on Tuesday, calling for some drugs such as marijuana to be regulated, an end to… Continue reading Stop Drug War
junk science drug test
junksciencedrugtest Drug Testing – JUNK SCIENCE Texas Administration Code Lab Requirments Drug Testing Information Junk Science Drug Science Miscellaneous Information Drug Testing Information Website HOME Book on Drug Test as Junk Science Drug Test Expert
Drug Sense
drugsense DrugSense works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news. Free e-mail subscription services include: The Drugnews-Digest, a regular compilation of news excerpts; DrugSense Weekly, a newsletter which encapsulates and reviews the week’s most significant news; Focus Alerts, bulletins on important… Continue reading Drug Sense
Texas Administrative Code PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PAROLE RULE 195.72 Admission of Use Form (a) Releasees subject to testing shall be given an opportunity to admit usage of illicit substances and waive the testing requirement. Releasees shall be informed verbally and in writing that admission of illicit substance usage or… Continue reading substanceabuse.html
Drug War
War On Drugs Stop Senseless War On Drugs Day after day US citizens are imprisoned by state for “victim-less” crimes, people are denied their most basic natural right: that to private ownership of their own bodies. Law states a woman has the right to her body thus she can have an Abortion when in truth… Continue reading Drug War
tx justice
Texas Justice Welcome to Texas justice: You might beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride. Saturday, June 02, 2007 Study: Cuts to state jail drug treatment increasing Texas crime A new research paper from the Urban Institute called Returning Home (available here) says the removal of drug treatment from Texas state jails in… Continue reading tx justice